IB PYP Exhibition 2021

Transdisciplinary Theme


An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

To launch the website, the students have recorded short introductions below, inviting you to find out more about their research on their pages.
They edited their pages by themselves to document the process and show their findings.

Phalana, Cara & Tyrese.mov
Nelao, Kacey & Semon.mov
NEW Kayla, Bulipe & Ane-Beth.mov
Uzuva, Candice & Julia (1).mov
Faiza, Sunida & Coco.mov
Cosmea, Tyrone, Kyle & Zia.mov
Gustave, Alex, Jaenena & Hendrick.mov
Tomas, Thabiso, Jane & Ondeya.mov
Mea, Jackson, Hanru & Emilian.mov
Gizelle, Carolyn & Lilian.mov
Ted, De’Jon & Lasse.mov
Ludwig & Suhaimi.mov

Click on the feedback button to add your comments and give feedback to the groups on the Padlet. Thank you.