The core

Service is integral to the core of the careers programme.

Service learning is the development and application of knowledge and skills towards meeting an identified and authentic community need.

In this research-based approach, students often undertake service initiatives related to topics studied previously in their academic disciplines, utilizing skills, understandings and values developed in these studies.

Students are expected to conduct a minimum of 50 hours of service.

Learning outcomes 

Using the CAS stages

Using the CAS stages is the recommended approach for students engaging in service experiences. All forms of service should involve investigation, preparation and action that meets an identified need. Reflection on significant experiences throughout informs problem-solving and choices; demonstration allows for sharing of what has taken place. The CAS stages specific to service learning offer students a helpful and supportive approach. As students progress through each of these stages, they can draw upon the skills and knowledge gained from their academic subjects to support their experiences.