Chapter Projects

October Service Project

In October, we decorated pumpkins with thank you messages to deliver to local businesses for their support of our school. These were hand-painted by NHS members, and delivered to stores such as Audettes, Paris Farmers Union, and Dave's Appliance. 

November Service Project

For our November service project, we worked with Principal Campbell to clean the school road and the front garden of the high school. This involved cutting and hauling brush, and raking and weeding the garden before winter.

December Service Project

In December, we made personalized holiday cards for the Heritage Manor nursing home. These were each individually created by members, and then hand-delivered to the manor. 

January Service Project

In January, we built snowmen for nursing home residents to see outside their windows. We were supposed to carol for them in December, but that was cancelled due to Covid, so this was a fun alternative! Unfortunately, we had so much fun, we forgot to take pictures!

March Service Project

In January, we helped Bryce Smith with his Eagle Scout project of tying blankets for hospice patients. We helped cut, tie, and wrap blankets to they could be delivered. 

May Service Project

In May, we traveled to the Monmouth Theater to help Mr. Price clean up the grounds and the interior. We cut bushes, raked, cleaned out the basement, and scraped paint.  Afterwards, Mr. Price gave us a tour of the theater.