Catalogs: Search for a book!

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Q: Looking for something we don't have at WHS?

A: Chances are, we can find it for you through Minerva, which allows you to get a book from any library across Maine!

From streaming movies and audiobooks to downloading music to craft kits... the C.M. Bailey Public Library right in downtown Winthrop has many great resources that are also available to you here.

Request something here and pick it up at the WHS library - you don't even have to make the trip. We can get you a library card at WHS too, which gives you (free!) access to all the things Bailey has to offer.


The Digital Public Library of America provides a selection of free Open Bookshelf titles. Select from thousands of freely available items including classics, contemporary fiction, nonfiction, children’s books, and textbooks, all reviewed by our Curation Corps of librarians.
Destiny Discover eBooks has classic titles that you can read on a phone, laptop, or another electronic device
JSTOR provides 7,000+ Open Access ebooks from 90 publishers, including Brill, Cornell University Press, De Gruyter, and University of California Press, are now available at no cost to libraries or users.