
The Issue

Before starting our project we had to found our issue of focus.  We watched multiple Ted Talks and got to hear from various organizations about there issue and solution. After making a  mind map, we narrowed our issue of focas to dogs.

Research + Define

After reaserching common issues and barriers related to dogs we realized that boredom and lack of stimulation is a big and prominent issue. Then we reaserched further on the barrier and gain a bigger understanding of the issue. Adittnaly we reaserched how we could make a product that would be safe and succsesful for pups.


After researching  it was time to brainstorm and ideate. We went through various ideas and solutions on a product we could invent.  We interviewed multiple people getting there feedback. We took their feedback and made any changes we needed to our idea, until it was ready to make.  The first step of making our prototype was collecting the supplies we needed to make our prototype. After gathering our supplies we started to make our prototype.

Test, Iterate, Implement


Vlog #3

The next step to finishing our product was testing the prototype. We went through various testings with multiple dogs in order to iterate and change our prototype to make it the best as possible. After going back and forth with testing and changing we got our final product of the Ruff Rope. Then we did finally tests and collected data on it. We collected data on it by leaving various dogs home alone and set up a secret camrea and left the diffrwent dogs home alone for 30 minuets.  Then we looked back at he diffrent footage to see how long the dogs played with the Ruff Rope! The graph  below shows how our product was successful!

Testing pictures 


Our graph clearly shows that the Ruff Rope was a success because majority of the dogs played with the Ruff Rope more than half of the time they were left alone!


The final step to completing the CBL product was launching it at the Community Forum. We set up our table by adding our poster which is a summary of our whole project. Additanly we added a QR code so spectators could scan the code to take them straight to this website to learn further about the Ruff Rope. Also we added multiple interactive elements including a few scent pouches that people could pick up and smell. Another interactive element we had was  the Ruff Rope where people could  pull, listen and smell all of the different elements of the Ruff Rope!