
Barrier Overview

Research shows that the majority of dogs spend many hours alone at home. This leads to lack of stimulation and boredom, which can be harmful for dogs in many ways. For example, lack of stimulation and boredom can lead to excessive barking, mischievous behavior, depression, and even hyper greetings. This can then lead to continus behavirol issues, mental issues, health isuess. We recognize that many people have work or school and have no choice but to leave their dog at home.  

Data Gathering 

This graph  shows how many hours dogs spend home alone a week. As you can see on the graph, more than 50% of dogs stay home for between one and three hours. Also many other dogs spend more than one or three hours at time home alone. This is way too many dogs that stay home alone for multiple hours a week, which means it is too many dogs that experience boredom and lack of stimulation, both having  a negative effect on dogs. 

Class Data

This graph is another example that majority of people who own dogs leave their dog or dogs home alone for hours on end.

Dangers of Dogs Experiencing Lack of Stimulation and Boredom

There are multiple dangers of dogs' who experience lack of stimulation and boredom. Dogs usually experience these phenomenons  when they spend a long time home alone. When dogs are bored and do not get the stimulation they need, as a result they seek stimulation. One way dogs do this is getting into mischief, which is dangerous in many ways. For example if a dog steals food that is not for them, it is very likely that the food can be toxic and even deadly for dogs.  This does not only put the dog in dangre bu also puts it's owner in danger because going to a vet is very expensive. Another result of dog boredom and lack of stimulation is  depression. Dogs who are bored and spend a lot of time home alone do not get to experience a healthy amount of companionship, even if it is just a toy. 

Additional Information

While interviewing Brooke's Aunt Caren, who volunteers a lot at dog shelters, she talked about the difficulty that dogs face a lack of entertainment and stimulation, and how she has experienced first hand it leading to behavioral issues.  Additionally she mentioned how even though there are a lot of different toys and puzzles that dogs play with a lot of them are not safe, easily, destructible, and boring, and how there is not yet a toy or puzzle that positively affects dogs. 


Vlog 1

Vlog #1