

Many dogs experience boredom and lack of stimulation because dogs spend multiple hours a day home alone. This can be bad for many reasons. That is when the idea of the Ruff Rope was created. We wanted a interactive activity a dog can play with that will stimulate dogs home alone or with someone around, and we did exactly that! Even though it took some time testing and adapting it came together in the end and can change a dogs life. 

The process of making our product was a long but worth it. Before we could start we had to find our issue to focus on. Once we went through multiple ideas, we did further research on our barrier. Then, we researched all the existing ideas and created our own idea. After we worked on creating our idea to life to make our prototype. We spent a couple of weeks working on our prototype and going back to test, to make sure it was perfect. Lastly, we tested our product to make sure it was successful in fixing our barrier.

When coming up with a solution we went through multiple different options and decided what is now the Ruff Rope! Our solution is a dog rope with an extra strong suction cup on the top. Additionally, the Ruff Rope has a scent pouch and sound making it more interesting and effective in fixing dog boredom.

The Ruff Rope

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