

(SCI) CBL Mini Movie - 6E.mov

Card Guard

Our product helps students with the problem of one card loss


In order to make an effective solution we need to understand how a student loses their one card at Windward School. The way we learned aboutn the problem was from speaking with our client, Braydon, who helped us understand why it can be so easy for students to lose their cards, what may help students keep better track of their cards, and also why it is difficult and frustrating to access the card at times that is needed for payment.


Identifying the following barriers for the targeted people will help us create solutions for the needs of such people with the problem of wallet loss.

Project Citations

iStock (Memory Problems photo)

Canva (Organization skills, Time Management, and Stress photos)

Etsy (Spring snap rivets photo)

eBay (Retractable wire photo)

Pexels (Early February photo and B-roll for final Mini-Movie)

Walmart (Sports card case photo)

Looka (Logo)