
Our Product

Our product is a covering for your backpack or you! It is reversible, so one side is very brightly colored and reflective for the day.  The other side glows in the dark and has LED lights on it in order to ensure that the cyclist is visible. It is removable, therefore you can put it into your backpack or other bag when it is not in use, and it’s waterproof. To put it on you simply hook it around the straps of your backpack, or you could button it around your back. Our community of focus is cyclists, specifically those who bike to work and this solution creates a safer way for cyclists to bike to and from work.


Method of Data Collection

We will test our product first measuring how far we can see the person with a normal backpack on without the cover in the dark at night. Then we will measure how far they can be seen when they have the glow in the dark cover on. We will do the exact same steps for the other side of the cover for the daytime by first seeing how far we can see them in the day without the cover. Then we will see how far we can see them with the cover. We will also survey our client on how likely they would be able to use the product and if they feel safer after using it. 

Potential Budget and Ideal Community Partner

Potential Budget

Total Cost


Ideal Community Partners

Existing Solution Research

Prototype Design

During our research, we found a few solutions, including clothing that is very vibrant clothing that can be reflective, and the Aura Cycling System. It is a system that includes a safer helmet, lights, a multi device app and 2nd generation remote, that displays turn signals on helmet and lights. It also triggers the brake lights when a cyclist slows down or stops in order to make biking safer. From this research we discovered that  a large reason why people will not bike is due to car traffic and darkness.

Evolution of Product and Adaptations Made

Our product first started off by being a reflective patch to be worn on backpacks, but we soon realized it would not make an impactful difference because of the size. Therefore we had the idea of making a backpack cover that is reflective. The issue was that similar products had already been made. Then we decided to make it have another side for the night that is glow in the dark and has LED lights on it. In addition we were going  to sew the LED lights to the fabric, but we realized  then if anyone needed  to wash  it the would not be able to. Instead we made the LED lights removable by attaching them with velcro. As we started mapping out the design we learned it would be difficult to sew. After we realized this we changed the design of the reflective part of the fabric so that it would be easier to sew and more effective. lastly, we previously had hooks on the design but changed them to clips so people do not have to hook it on a specific part of the backpack but it can be hooked anywhere on it or on a piece of clothing such as a jacket.

First Prototype Design                   Final Prototype Design    


Real movie two