

With Cover                                                                                        Without Cover

With Cover                                                                                        Without Cover

Our product has been tested thoroughly and we can proudly say that many of these tests have proved our product to be successful. We tested how far the other person was visible with and without our reversible cover. On the side with the neon green fabric and the reflective tape, or the day side, you could see the person for up to 80 feet more than without it. When we reversed it and tested the side with glow-in-the-dark fabric and LED light, or the night side, you could see the person up to a whopping 500 feet more! In the future, we would want to create more designs and additions to the product to make cycling safer overall, such as by adding turn signals.


Movie 6 real


Community Forum

At the forum, our presentation was quite rewarding! It was very satisfying to see everything that we put so much time and effort into come to life. Many people came up to our table and they seemed very interested in our barrier and our product. Multiple people told us that they learned more about cyclist safety and cycling in general. Everybody that came up to our stand enjoyed our talk, and a few suggested that we should make two covers that connect to each other for double the coverage. Overall, the community forum went very well for us!

Interactive Element

For our interactive element we created a set of trivia questions for our guests to do. On our table we had a QR code displayed and an iPad where the trivia was available. After we explained our graphs and a few statistics about cycling, we encouraged everyone to learn more about cycling and C-MEE by taking our trivia quiz. If they had questions about the trivia after they answered it, we explained all of the information in more detail. Everybody found it fun and entertaining!