
Our Solution

We noticed that many shelters haven't been buying the right amount of food for all of their dogs. When its time for dog shelters to order more food  they are left confused, stressed and  overwhelmed because they don’t know how much food they need to purchase. Shelters have dogs coming and going so its hard for them to determine how much food they need. Shelters ordering the wrong amount of food can cause them to over feed their dogs of underfeed them.  We've been searching and have found that there are no stable solutions to this problem but we have found some temporary solutions. These solutions include donating money to shelters, dog food drives and many more ideas that are trying to get more food to shelters . We found that these solutions weren’t the most efficient, so we decided to come up with our own. 

 Our solution is a website that dog shelters can use that allows workers to input basic information about any dog that is in the shelter. Generative AI predicts  how many cups of food the dog is going to need per day and  per week. The amount of food is going is based on the breed of the dog, the age, weight, etc. The website will also consider the amount of dogs in the shelter and how much food they have currently. We will also have a estimate of how long that ceratin dog breed will stay in the shelter

Wags and Walks is a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization and a dedicated dog shelter that takes in dogs from across Los Angeles. We have partnered with the organization Wags and Walks to help them manage how much food they need for their dogs. Their goal is to better the lives of all dogs and make sure that they're healthy when they find a happy home.

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