
Our  Project Process

Step 1: Ideate

Before starting our process, we were exposed to many different resources that help build our foundation. Many experts and experienced individuals helped us build and create our idea. We also watched videos about many different topics all under the topic of accessibility to help us generate ideas about what we could do.

Step 2:  The Issue 

 When we got together in our groups, we all knew that we wanted to focus on, and that was animals. The question was, what animals would we focus on? We decided we were going to focus on dogs. We immediately started researching everything about dogs and narrowed our research down to one specific subject and that was nutrition. This is and important stage because this put us on the right track to figure out solutions to our problem. We were able to understand all of struggles that dog shelters face daily becasue of all of the research we had done prior. 

Step 3: Research + define

We reached out to many different shelters/organizations and after many days one shelter got back to us, Wags and Walks. We emailed and called back and forward and figured out that the barrier/problem they were trying to solve wasn't the original  problem we were trying to solve.  We than modified our plan to fix the problem the shelter had at hand. Wags and Walks's  problem was that they didn’t t know how much food each dog would need weekly. We came up with the idea to create a website that would generate how much food a dog would need daily and weekly.  The website would also generate (by estimate and research) how long that specific breed of dog will stay in the shelter.

Step 4: Test, Iterate and Implement

When we first started creating our prototype for our app, we were constantly sending it to our client to see if they had any suggestion on how to improve it. The data and ideas that we got back from our client, as well as the general public, helped us improve our website significantly. Every time we got a new piece of information that would help us, we regrouped and figured out a way to incorporate it in our website.


Step 5: Launch

Then it was time to introduce our product to the public. We had our CBL forum that showcased our Product and people were able to test it out.  We walked them through the steps and they were able to see if the amount of food they feed their dog matched up with the amount our "Ruffbot" said. We received a lot of positive feedback and people were excited to test out our website. In the end our product was a success and it worked out for our client.