
Barriers Dog/Animal shelters Experience

Financial Problems

Animal shelters are struggling financially to get enough animal food for all of their animals. These organizations and shelters want to put money towards more food but it would take away from other pet necessities such as veterinary care and animal cruelty investigations. Shelters in LA have been suggesting that the public help out and donate as much animal food as they can to get the animals back to eating the right amount of food.

How much are dogs supposed to eat

Dogs are generally supposed to eat twice a day but because of food shortages, shelters are limiting their feeding times from twice a day to once a day. The modified feeding time for dogs  does not include puppies or dogs who have specific medical diets. Sadly some shelters have to resort to these methods because of their shortage of food. Shelters are also having a hard time determining how much food each dog will need depending on how long they stay

Health issues

Feeding dogs the wrong amount of food can lead to long term health issues. These health issues occur because shelters give dogs the wrong amount of food every time they are fed. Some dogs might dislike certain food because of the texture or smell of their food and that can determine how much they want to eat. Different dogs need different amounts of food and if they are not getting enough, they may fall underweight. Food is the main source of energy for dogs so it's important that they get right amount of it. It's important that dogs eat the right food and the right amount of food in order for them to stay healthy and happy


Dogs, especially shelter dogs, are going through tough times because of the financial problems their shelters are having. Our team's goal is to help these shelters provide the right amount of food to their dogs so they can live long and joyful lives.