About us

We are three seventh grade students at windward and we have worked together to create a mission to help people get food who cannot afford it themselves. All of us had very different ideas of what this would look like and so collaborating was very hard at the beginning. It took many emails back and forth, but we started to work with the Grass Roots Neighbors organization, and they helped guide us in the right direction of where to start. We started working on this project with no idea what we were going to do but as we went on, we realized how big an issue food insecurity is and something that is going to take much longer than six weeks to solve. We decided to work together to help get food to homeless people, or people who are in housing but struggling with food insecurity. In order to help Grass Roots Neighbors with a more efficient way to help people, we are going to update their sign up process on their website, as well as improve and introduce new forms of advertisement. We have collaborated together and brought many ideas into this project so that we can figure out a way to help the unhoused and food insecure communities.

Ripley Ehrlich


Throughout my life I have done many donations with my family and so this project got me very excited. I am a kind and compassionate animal activist. I have worked with my team as the lead writer. I have written all of the paragraphs that you see on the website

Laila Chudgar


I'm a student who loves to learn! This project was really exciting for me, because I got to combine my passion for art and design with my experience doing community service via Meals on Wheels. I've worked hard collaborating with this team as the website creator and graphic designer. 

Greer Frank


I'm a hardworking student, and I always put in my full effort (except for when it comes to having a single sophisticated photo of myself, apparently) This project was intriguing for me, because although I've done Ethical Leadership and Community Service projects before, I hadn't embarked on one as extensive and commited as this. I have volunteered many times at Upward Bound House, and collaborated with my team on this project by (attempting to) tackle our mini-documentary and help out as much else as I can.