
            Grocery Grabber Prototype

Our solution is to make a grabber that is specifically used in grocery stores. This grabber will be free to the public and placed at the front of every store. The grabber is there to help people with short stature who can't reach as many food items because they are placed to high on the shelves. Currently there are grabbers, however, they aren't specifically made for people with short stauture. The grabbers could be used for many other things. After reserching, we interviewed Pamela, a family friend, who told us about her challenges and what she thinks of our product. We made a few improvments, and then interviewed Pamela for a second time. We told her about our updated grabber and what functions it will have/how it will work.  After that, we came up with a few rough drafts of what our grabber would look like, and eventually made our first prototype. Our ideal community partners would be nearly any grocery store and city officials who work to improve accessibility everyday.  The cost of our product will be about 20 dollars if you want to buy the grabber. We hope to help people who have short staure and anyone who needs help reaching items.

First Prototype

This is our first prototype which worked okay but not too well. It wasn't sturdy enough and it was difficult to grab things with. The fingers also wouldn't move well.

Final Prototype

Our final protoype can grab and pick things up. We added more straws so the grabber could be more sturdy. This time we put staples on the string instead of the fingers, and that helped the fingers move better. Our final prototype improved from the first and we are proud of it.

We showed our client and let her test our final prototype. We asked her three major key questions about it. We then asked her to rate these three things on a scale through one to ten. The three things were looks, work ability, and name. She rated looks and name a ten. She then rated work ability a nine. Overall these are very good scores. We also asked her if there is any improvements we could make, so we could add it to our final product. She gave us a few suggestions, which we will incorporate in our finished grabber. Our client prototype data was very helpful to us because it let us know how the client is liking the product so far and if we need to make changes to our prototype.

This timeline shows the evolution of our  Grocery Grabber. It used to be called the food grabber. In the timeline it shows different dates in order to complete different things for the final product. The final product will be shown at the community forum at 3/20 /24.


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