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Client feedback from our final prototype.

Our final  prototype is working well and can grab objects.  We are very close to perfection but still need to improve a few more things. We interviewed our client Pamela in person and asked her to rate our product based of looks, work ability, and name, on a scale of 1 - 10. As you can see on the graph, she rated the look of the prototype a 10/10.  Then she rated the work ability a 9/10 and the name a 10/10. She said she likes how colorful the grabber is and thought it was easy to use. Pamela suggested that we should make it extendable so it can be travle size and to add a thumb so the grip is stronger. 


Our presentation was very successful throughout the forum. Almost everyone who came to our station, tried out our Grocery grabber and were able to pick  up the small cup.  Micheal, Simon, and Kevin, tried out our grabber and gave us lots of feedback. When Simon was testing it out, he purposly acted like he didnt know how it worked and told us that we should make it more sturdy and that the wooden stick holding everything together is to heavy. They all suggested that we should try picking up multiple different items with the Grocery Grabber to see how durable it is. They also suggested we add something to the tips of the fingers like tape so the grip is stronger. Overall, everyone thought our idea was really good and we got lots of really good feedback.