
Main Barriers to Friendships

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The different reasons that people struggle to make friends

So many people around the world don't have a community or support system that is easily accessible to them. Whether it's because of their living environment or because of who they are and barriers they face, there are so many people who deserve to build connections and have strong, long-lasting relationships. "hi" helps to do just that. 

The Facts Behind Loneliness

Loneliness in people of old age

There are many causes for why someone of old age would have difficulty making friends. According to an article by NCBI, lots of elderly people suffer from depression due to loneliness, as it gets more difficult to build important social connections throughout old age. Anyone can get lonely, but it has been found that it can harm elderly people in more pressing ways. Additionally, older people lose relationships as their friends pass away through old age, which can be harmful to their mental health and can lower their likelihood to want to go out and interact with strangers. Some elderly people don't have a community or resources to do so. A study was carried out on 55 elderly people and showed a very big connection in depression and loneliness with age. There are so many barriers to why someone of old age could have difficulty making friends. 

Loneliness in people with disabilities

People with disabilities often face lonliness. According to an article by MayInstitute, people with disabilities are a group that struggle at lot with making friends. Some people with disabilities need friendships to sharpen their minds and improve social skills. People with special needs find it hard to maintain friendships, and some people's physical disabilities or behavioral issues can find it hard to get people to talk to them and make connections. Some people don't want to approach people with disabilities because they are more afraid of hurting their feelings, saying the wrong thing, or even just of them. One of the best parts about "hi" for people with disabilities is that it allows people with disabilities to meet people on account of their personality and in a safe way. 



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