
Click the button below to a see a list of the cutters, boats, and aircrafts.

Did you know?

Each day, the men and women of the 43,000 plus active duty Coast Guard, over 8,000 Reservists, and 30,000 Auxiliarists provide services over 3.4 million square miles of Exclusive Economic Zones.

In a single year, the Coast Guard:

  • Responded to 19,790 Search and Rescue cases, saved 3,560 lives and more than $77 million in property.

  • Removed 107 metric tons of cocaine bound toward the U.S. via the Transit Zone.

  • Continued the deployment of six Patrol Boats and 400 personnel to protect Iraqi critical maritime oil infrastructure and train Iraqi naval forces.

  • Conducted 919 escorts and patrols to support 190 domestic U.S. military cargo out-loads.

  • Conducted 25,500 container inspections, 5,000 facility safety and marine pollution related inspections, and 1,195 cargo transfer monitors to ensure safety and environmental stewardship of the maritime domain.

  • Conducted 1,424 boardings of high interest vessels designated as posing a greater-than-normal risk to the United States.

  • Interdicted nearly 3,000 undocumented migrants attempting to illegally enter the United States.

  • Conducted over 3,700 safety and security exams on vessels operating on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf.

  • Conducted over 11,600 annual inspections on U.S. flag vessels inspected and certificated in accordance with 46 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 2.01-7.

  • Conducted 4,603 investigations for reportable marine casualties involving commercial vessels.

  • Conducted over 49,000 recreational vessel boardings, issued over 12,000 citations, and visited 1,150 recreational boat manufacturers in conjunction with state efforts to provide education and ensure compliance with federal regulations.

  • Conducted over 6,000 fisheries conservation boardings.

  • Investigated and responded to over 3,300 pollution incidents.

  • Verified more than 70,000 Transportation Worker Identification Credentials.

  • Screened over 436,000 vessels, including over 117,000 commercial vessels and 29.5 million crew members and passengers

The Coast Guard is an incredible multi-mission military organization and federal law enforcement agency. Our missions include: maritime security, drug interdiction, aid to navigation, search and rescue, preserving and protecting living marine resources, marine safety, defense, migrant interdiction, marine environment protection and ice operations. "We protect those on the Sea, We protect America from threats delivered by Sea, and We protect the Sea itself." -- Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr. 24th Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard.