
Obtain, evaluate and communicate information to recognize the patterns of the stars (including the sun) stay the same as they appear to move across the sky. 

Step 1:  Lesson Standards & Learning Goals

Dimension 1: 

SEP: Obtain, Evaluate, and Communicate Information

Obtain and combine information from books and/or other reliable media to explain phenomena.

Dimension 2: 

CCC: Patterns

Dimension 3: 

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

Sample Essential Questions


Students will be able to...

Students will know...

Step 2:  Assessment

Formative Assessments

Writing Prompts

NCDPI Grade 3 Science

Formative Assessment Examples

Mastery Connect

ESS.3.1.3 - Webb - WCS - 2024

Culminating Activity

Respond to the following questions:

Step 3:  Lesson Instructions

Possible Activating Strategies

Think - Pair - Share:

Ask students to pair up and discuss if they think the night sky looks the same everywhere in the world? Why or why not? Allow pairs to share what they discussed 

Video Clip:


North and South hemisphere combined picture: Show students the linked picture and complete a see, think, wonder chart as a class. Have a discussion about why the sky does not look the exact same at the top and at the bottom.

Think - Pair - Share

Text Set

Text Set ESS.3.1.3

Additional Literacy Connections