
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, identifying words that impact the meaning in a text.

Step 1: Lesson Standards & Learning Goals

Vertical Progressions

RL.3.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, identifying words that impact the meaning in a text.


RL.2.4 Describe how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.

RL.4.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including words that affect meaning and tone.

Students will be able to...

  • identify words that impact the meaning of the text

  • determine the meaning of words and phrase in a text, using context


phrase(s) – a small groups of words representing a conceptual unit, containing either a subject or a verb, but not both (Note: Both a subject and a verb would constitute a clause.) (e.g., Running through the forest, she breathed in the fresh, crisp air.)

LEQ - How do I determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word?

How does word choice impact the meaning of a text?

Step 2: Assessment

Students read a text. They highlight unknown words and annotate the text in the margins, noting details that help them figure out the unfamiliar words. Students write a paragraph explaining the strategies they used to determine word meaning and how this helped them as a reader.

Students read a text and choose words that influence the meaning of the text. They write a letter to the author explaining how these words contribute to the overall meaning of the text.

Step 3: Lesson Instructions

Classroom Application

Using a shared text and a document camera, the teacher models for students how to highlight unknown words and annotate the text in the margins, noting details that help them figure out the unfamiliar words.

The teacher models using the strategy, “creating pictures for words and phrases” by drawing pictures in the margins.

Using a shared text, the teacher provides examples of words in the text that influence the meaning by pointing out the most important words and talking about how the chosen words contribute to the meaning of the text.

Sample Lesson Plan - adapt for 3rd

RL.4.4-Words, Words, Words...What Do They Really Mean.docx