
Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.

Step 1:  Lesson Standards & Learning Goals

Students extend their understanding of area by transitioning from covering rectangles and counting tiles to repeated addition and then to multiplying the length and the width of a rectangle in order to find the area. 

Students are expected to explain why multiplying the side lengths of a rectangle yields the same measurement of area as counting the number of tiles (with the same unit length) that fill the rectangle’s interior. Students who multiply the dimensions to find the area without providing a clear reason why multiplying works have not met the expectation for this standard. 

Students also are expected to decompose a rectangle into two smaller rectangles in order to find the area of the smaller rectangles and the larger rectangle. This work overlaps the idea of decomposing a factor (NC.3.OA.1, NC.3.OA.2). The dimensions of the smaller rectangles should be 10 or less. This standard also addresses using multiplication to determine area while solving word problems (NC.3.OA.3). Students are expected to determine the possible dimensions of a rectangle when the area is given. 

Sample Essential Questions


Students will be able to...

Students will know...

Step 2:  Assessment

Mastery Connect

NC.3.MD.7 - CO - Howell - Jan.17, 2023

NC.3 - Cluster 6 Review - CO - Howell - Feb. 24, 2023

NC.3.EOG Review B - Howell - CO - May 12, 2023

Step 3:  Lesson Instructions

Possible Activating Strategies



Teacher Resources