District 39 

Social-Emotional Learning 

The District 39 Social-Emotional Learning Framework  

The District 39 SEL framework is organized around the core CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) competencies:

An additional competency was added by the D39 SEL Committee:

Each grade level has learning objectives that target developmentally appropriate skills for students and align across the EC-8 experience.  These objectives envelop all six competencies and can be taught in a sequence that is flexible to address the needs of the students in the classroom.  

Grades K-4 learning objective instruction is supported using curricular materials from Everyday Speech SEL, and lessons are taught using the Morning Meeting structure from Responsive Classroom.

Grade 5-8 learning objective instruction is supported using curricular materials from Responsive Classroom/Responsive Advisory Meeting lessons*, along with identified supplemental lessons.  Lessons are taught using the Responsive Advisory Meeting Structure from Responsive Classroom.

*Note:  During the 23-24 school year, three classrooms at each grade level will pilot the Wayfinder curriculum, for full implementation in 24-25.

New for the 2023-2024 School Year

The 2023-2024 school year will see the continued implementation of explicit instruction toward the SEL competency objectives for District 39, using the curricular resources provided.  The objectives have been revised to better include elements of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.  Instructional guidance has been updated to better support teachers with instruction.  That guidance can be found HERE.  Teachers will be given time throughout the year to explore objectives, collaborate with teammates and identify where the objectives naturally occur in an embedded fashion throughout curricular areas.

The D39 SEL Committee will be working during the 23-24 school year to plan for differentiated professional development to support this work. 

The website and materials have been revised and updated for easier home-school communication.  The parent website can be located HERE.  All teachers have been given resources to present to parents on Curriculum Night, and regularly communication will be shared with parents about overall SEL objectives as well as what is occurring in individual classrooms.

The D39 SEL Committee will be working during the 23-24 school year to develop an improved system for reporting social-emotional development for students during the progress reporting cycle.

SEL Tier 1 assessment will continue, and will take place in October and May.  Teachers at EC-4 will complete the DESSA assessment.  Students at K-4 will complete the SEL WEB assessment, and students at 5-8 will complete the MESH assessment.  Guidance will be given to teachers on how to administer these assessments, as well as how to interpret the results. 

MTSS Building Teams will work with the SEL committee to implement Tier 2 and Tier 3 processes for problem solving as well as utilize resources that have been allocated for supporting students with SEL intervention needs.  

The D39 SEL Committee will be working during the 23-24 school year to create an extensive resource bank for social-emotional interventions.