
ND Early Learning Standards Guiding Principles

The guiding principles underlie the program policies and practices that prepare young children for success. 

WBSD7 believes that early literacy is essential to success in kindergarten and beyond.

From the time your baby is born, reading is the best way to boost your child’s language and vocabulary skills – long before they even say their first word!  In fact, studies show that children whose parents frequently read to them know and understand many more words by age two than children who have not been read to regularly. 

Reading is a key part of daily life, and its importance continues throughout our lives. Not only is reading a fun activity we all can share, it is also a tool to help us learn and grow. Through reading, we continue to expand our knowledge long after we finish school.

Beyond the school years, reading helps us succeed in our jobs and careers, while enabling us to be lifelong learners. One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is to instill in them the love and habit of reading – a gift that will serve them well for the rest of their lives. So read to them right from the start – and never stop!