16-36 months

Activities & Games

"The [ND Early Learning] Standards...provide specific skills, behaviors, and concepts that children should demonstrate by 36 months." 1

Emergent Literacy

*All images are clickable links.

Reading Tips for Toddlers 16-36 Months.png
Spanish Reading Tips for Toddlers 16-36 Months.png


In order to start to write, children’s hand muscles need to be strong enough to hold and control a pen. Playdough, or any activity where kids can manipulate a material with their hands is perfect for learning early literacy skills.

Give your toddler a crayon or pencil with some paper and let them start scribbling away. Teach your child how to hold the pencil properly and practice together. This will help their fine motor skills and strengthen their hand and finger muscles so they can really start to write and draw.