
The CRAAP Test

The CRAAP text provides a method and list of questions to evaluate the nature and the value of the information that you find.  Even if the information does not meet all the standards of the CRAAP test, it may still be valuable.  However, when sharing your research and evaluating your sources, you should always share the limitations of the information you find.

The Timeliness of the Information

The Importance of the Information for Your Needs

The Source of the Information

The Reliability, Truthfulness, and Correctness of the Content

The Reason the Information Exists

Evaluating Evidence

The CRAAP Method is a good tool to use when evaluating your sources.  To learn more about evaluating evidence, and questioning media a good place to start is, Crash Course Navigating Digital Information, these are fun, short, informational videos that help you learn how to determine what online sources are the best and why.