Personality QUiz

Try this fun quiz below to find out which stereotype you are. Record if you got A, B, or C for your answers on paper or in your head, then click the button to see what your results are!

  1. Where are you most likely to be found after school?

A: Reading a book

B: Hanging out with friends

C: At a sports practice

  1. It's a snow day! What's your go to activity?

A: I'm inside watching movies.

B: Making snow angels and taking pics for the insta!

C: Snowball fight!

  1. On club day you'd find me in...

A: Math Club, Chess Club, or Reading Club

B: Instagram Club, Yearbook Club, or Dance Club

C: Running Club, Open-Gym Club, or GaGa Ball

  1. For my birthday I am asking for ...

A: A new board game

B: New clothes

C: New sneakers

  1. I'd want tickets to?

A: Tickets to a museum

B: Tickets to a concert

C: Tickets to a sporting event

  1. My favorite type of tv show is?

A: Documentaries

B: Sitcoms

C: Sports

  1. My least favorite thing is?

A: Anything athletic

B: When my plans get cancelled

C: To lose ... SORE LOSER ALERT!

  1. My favorite part of school?

A: Everything except gym

B: Lunch

C: Gym

  1. Most used app on my phone?

A. Calculator

B. Camera

C. Stopwatch

  1. If I could spend the day with any celebrity, it would be....

A. My favorite inventor!

B. My favorite actor!

C. My favorite athlete!