Questions & Answers

Q: Should I take AP CS Principles before taking AP CS A?

A: No, not necessarily. It depends on the time you have to devote to studying CS, what you enjoy, and what you plan to study in college. If you have only one year and you plan to major in STEM, you should take AP CS A before you graduate. If you enjoy math and science and you do not enjoy writing, you may want to take AP CS A first and then take AP CS Principles. AP CS Principles, is a nice introduction to AP CS A but it can also be a solid course to take after AP CS A. Many students only take AP CS Principles or AP CS A as well. Of course, you need to be sure you satisfy prerequisites.

Q: If I already learned how to assemble a computer, am I over-qualified for Computer Technology?

A: No, because assembling a computer is just one of the physical aspects of the class; in terms of PC builds, there's also upgrading and troubleshooting from both a hardware and software perspective. Then there's also the physical work we do with microprocessors and microcontrollers through the Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and MicroBit. We've gotten this question a lot over the past few years, but more often than not, the students who are mechanically inclined and have already built their own PC still get a great deal of value out of the course overall and have not regretted taking it even though they've got a leg-up to start out the course.

Q: Do I have to take a CS Course in High School?

A: No, CS is one of many exciting electives you can opt to take in high school.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of CS Courses I can take in High School?

A: No, there is no limit. You need to satisfy graduation requirements. Beyond that, some students make CS their only/favorite elective.

Q: Can we change classes during the year?

A: That can be really difficult. You would need to talk with your guidance counselor and figure out the ramifications in terms of graduation requirements, schedule, etc.

Q: Will these classes affect our GPA? Is this a graded class?

A: Yes, the class will impact your GPA. Yes, the class is graded.

Q: How do we know we are making the right choice?

A: Choosing courses is difficult. This website is designed to help you to know your options and make an educated decision, but if there is not enough information or if you want to talk to someone, like a current student, please email and I will either answer your questions or possibly put you in touch with a student currently taking classes, counselor, or teacher who can help you with your concerns.

Q: What if we do not know what we want to do?

A: Then you would be completely normal! If you are not sure what you want to study or do in your career, you would be in good company. Many people change careers. This website is designed to help you to know your options and make an educated decision, but if there is not enough information or if you want to talk to someone, like a current student, please email and I will either answer your questions or possibly put you in touch with a student currently taking classes, counselor, or teacher who can help you with your concerns.

Q: Which CS Courses count for math credit and which do not?

A: The following courses count for math credit: Exploring CS, Exploring Data Science, AP CS Principles, AP CS A, and Cryptography & Cybersecurity.

Q: If I want to become a doctor, what computer science class should I take?

A: This is most connected to the Health Sciences and Human Services Career Pathway. Follow this link for information focused on that pathway. Direct link is also here:

Q: If I want to voice act, which class should I take?

A: This is most connected to the Music and Performance Arts Career Pathway. Follow this link for information focused on that pathway. Here is the direct link:

Q: If I want to become an actuary and focus on artificial intelligence, which class should I take?

A: This is most connected to the STEM Career Pathway. Follow this link for information focused on that pathway. Direct link is also here:

Q: I want to become a historian or paleontologist. Which class should I take?

A: This is most connected to the Government & Humanities Career Pathway. Follow this link for information focused on that pathway. Direct link is here:

Q: What if I do not like computer science?

A: If you have taken a semester or two in computer science and have decided it is not for you, that makes sense. If you have not taken a course yet, it is hard to say if you like it or not. I would recommend starting with one course that excites or interests you and then, if you decide it is not something you want to continue with, that is okay. It is as important to figure out what you do not enjoy as it is to figure out what you do! Try out this quiz to find a class that might be a great starting place!

Q: I want to be an Interior Designer [or something along those lines that is]. Could either of these classes contribute to this dream I have?

A: First, thank you so much for asking this question. It is tough to see exactly which career category this would fit. I got the chance to research a bit and learn about Renita Falana Woodson. She started in CS and went to interior design. This feels a lot like architecture, to me, but for the inside of a home. However, it can also be connected to Health Sciences and Human Services. For sure, you should plan to take AP CS Principles, but with the use of AI in interior design, you would want to push to AP CS A if at all possible. Talk with your counselor and check prerequisites. Game and Web Design is also a very creative course that may be the perfect entry point for you! If you are looking for an intro course, I would recommend Exploring CS.

Q: I want to be a engineer. What class should I take?

A: This depends on the math course you are currently taking. For sure, by the time you graduate (senior year) you will want to take AP CS A. From there it depends on how many years you can devote to CS. If you can take more than 1 year of computer science, some suggestions are here: If you can take two years, the most common pathway is AP CS Principles followed by AP CS A.

Q: I want to be a game designer. What class should I take?

A: This depends on the math course you are currently taking. For sure, by the time you graduate (senior year) you will want to take AP CS A. From there it depends on how many years you can devote to CS. If you can take two years, the most common pathway is AP CS Principles followed by AP CS A. If you want to take a course as a freshman and cannot yet take AP CS Principles, Game and Web Design or Exploring CS would be great first courses.

Q: I want to become a divorce or criminal justice lawyer. Which class should I take?

A: What you listed (criminal/divorce law) is most connected to the Government & Humanities Career Pathway. Follow this link for information focused on that pathway. Direct link is here: However, there are lawyers in all fields. You should consider taking the computer science course pathway most related to the field where you want to practice law. For example, if you wanted to work as a lawyer in a large engineering firm, it would be in your best interest to consider the Manufacturing Logistics or the STEM career pathway.

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