CS Decision Maker

A tool to help you find the perfect computer science course or sequence.

Welcome!  This site was created to help you find the CS course or sequence for you to take during your high school career.  

Tips for how to use this site:

1) Depending on if you like to plan ahead or you think in terms of your "dream job", click the planner that meets those needs.

2) Remember, using this site does not replace conversations with a school counselor and/or teacher.

3) Sequences and options are only general ideas; not black and white rules.

4) Questions and answers are posted HERE for your reference.

5) For questions on computer science courses that qualify for both high school and college credit, click HERE.

6) Scroll all the way down on this page to compare all courses at once.

CS Decision Maker Quiz

Take this short "quiz" to help you decide the best computer science course for you to take next year. 

See All Courses

See a list of all courses with links you can use to explore your options.

Plan by Career Pathway

Do you have ideas for what you hope to pursue for a future career?  Use this page to figure out CS courses that align with those plans.


Check out our Q & A page or contact jackie_corricelli@whps.org to get more information.  Click here for more curriculum info.

Comparison Chart for All CS Courses