Peace & Meditation

April 7

Hand Massage

This is a way for us to slow down, connect with one another, have a sensorial experience and enjoy a quiet conversation. You will need 1 small bottle of lotion, l small towel and one eager participant!

Wash hands first, squeeze a drop or two of lotion onto your partner’s hand. Massage until absorbed into skin.

April 3

Observing Clouds

A peaceful way to enjoy the sunny spring sky

April 1

Foot Soak

A peaceful activity for your child to enjoy

March 30

Kindness Jar

This activity may help put your family’s focus back on finding Kindness.

March 27

Silence Game

“Making silence” is the way to introduce silence activities to children. The term emphasizes the fact that silence doesn't just happen-that it usually takes an active, conscious effort to produce it. The children see it as an appealing challenge!

March 20

Signs of Spring

It is officially spring! A lesson in exploring nature in spring that includes a beautiful springtime poem.

March 20

Nature Walk

Go out and enjoy a walk in the woods

March 18

Peaceful Moment

Observe a moment in your day to be peaceful. If you have a small table, shelf or tray in your home, place it in a quiet space. What does peace look like? This is different for everyone. It might be a beautiful picture, a shell discovered on the beach, a song, music boxes and water timers- they are things that help us feel calm and safe. Take some time together to find some of these things that help your child(ren) feel peaceful and place them in your special place.