Mission and Medal

Completing revision can be a slog sometimes...

That's why giving yourself a Mission and Medal timetable can be really beneficial.

If you have never set yourself an after-school plan for homework/coursework/revision, Mission and Medal can be a very useful way to ensure you are rewarding yourself for the extra work you are putting in!

Here's how it works...

1.Review your current working week...

What works? What isn't working?

2.Create your Mission and Medal Week

For five of the seven days, set yourself a sixty-minute mission.

3.Complete your mission

This could be to complete homework, revise, research Sixth Form/College courses etc.

4.Give yourself a medal!

This could be enjoying a film/ TV episode, go for a walk, exercise, or chat to a friend.

Y11 Motivate (Activity 2- Mission and Medal).mp4

Year 11 Motivate: Mission and Medal

Mr Day included this activity in the Year 11 Motivate booklet. Here he is explaining the Mission and Medal concept in more detail (you can download a template for a Mission and Medal week below)

Mission and Medal.pdf

Mission and Medal template

View, download and print our template for Mission and Medal