The One-Stop revision Shop 

WS guide to revision and independent study ver2.docx
Revision Website Y11 Revision Plan Student Version

About 'How to Revise'

Whickham School has proudly supported our students and parents over the years with a variety of programmes and workshops to help everyone succeed with achieving outstanding exam results. 

We wanted to create a site that gave all students a central place where they can get help and support with revision. From tried and tested revision techniques, to planning and preparation, How to Revise covers lots of useful tools and tips to get ahead!

Navigating the site

How to Revise is separated into different categories: The Big Five, Share Your Practice, Subject Zone, Videos and Live Stream and For Parents.

Click on the menu icon in the top left corner to explore the different support being made available for you.

What is 'the big Five'?

The Big 5 are the most important and effective ways to create great revision! These have been tried and tested to work in both Whickham School and beyond.

In each of the Big 5, you will find lots of tools, resources and videos that will give you the edge when it comes to revision.

We believe that the Big 5 can be used across ALL of your GCSE and BTEC subjects, so start using them as soon as possible!

Why have you made a section for parents/guardians?

You are only at school for 6-7 hours per day; the rest of the time, you will mainly be at home with your parents/guardians. It is also likely that you'll do a fair bit of revision at home. The 'For Parents/Guardians' page is to help your Parents/Guardians to make positive choices that will keep you on track to make great progress, outside of school. From setting up revision planning, to providing good-quality study space, there is lots in this section that will help everyone to succeed.