25-Minute Revision Hits

Revision does not have to be a hard slog.

In fact, done correctly, you can do really good revision within 25-minute bursts. Flashcards, exam questions, mind-maps and much more can be completed within a 25-minute window.

It requires a little preparation (see our 'Planning' page for more info), but setting up your revision in 25-minute segments is an excellent way to make things stick and to have that satisfaction of ticking things off your list!

Here's how it works...

  1. Get a timer (either on your phone, a kitchen timer or something similar) and set it to 25 minutes

2. Write a checklist of three types of revision that you can do quickly and effectively (1 type of revision= one 25-minute sprint).

Try a variety of subjects and topics

3. Make sure you are in a place where there are no distractions and you can focus completely on your revision (put your phone in flight mode!)

4. Start your timer of 25 minutes...

Go Go Go!

5. When that buzzer goes, stop your revision.

Tick it off your list and take a 5 to 10 minute rest.

6. Repeat! (up to three times total)

Before you know it, you'll have completed 30 to 90 minutes of revision time!

Here's a link to some useful apps and websites that can help with your 25-minute revision hits.


Pomodoro Timer on Google Play Store

Be Focused App on iPhone App Store