Paleos All-Stars

Paleos All Stars 2021

Summer 2021: Paleos students didn't let Covid stop them from exploring the great west. This family-friendly trip was completely student led. We attended the Paleontology Conference (Dino ShinDig) in Ekalaka, MT, spent four days excavating for micro fossils, battled rattle snakes, jacketed a hadrosaur femur, hiked around Devil's Tower and learned to country dance in the streets!

Summer 2021: Paleos Family-Style

High School Research trip to the Badlands

Science Research students took their paleontology interests to the next level in the summer of 2019. Four WHB High School students , and two teachers (Rob Coleman and me, Dianna Gobler) travelled to the Lance Formation in Wyoming to conduct research....

Projects in progress for 2019/2020:

1) Elemental Analysis of Raptor and Triceratops teeth (in collaboration with NSLS II at Brookhaven National Lab)

2) Exploration of potential K/Pg boundary exposure (in collaboration with Center for Functional Nanomaterials and NSLS II at Brookhaven National Lab)

3) Biodiversity of the microsite

4) Creation of a Field Guide for the microsite

5) Pre-Cretaceous Turtle Biodiversity and Evolution

Paleos All-Stars in the Press!

Paleontology Research Projects 2019-2020

Dinosaurs poster final.pptx