Timeline & Results

Results are in! Raw and aggregated data may be accessed on the OSF: https://osf.io/dvrw8/

When looking for Health & Wellness Information:

57% or more of pre- AND post-workshop respondents reported visiting or contacting healthcare providers most frequently (85%), followed by mobile apps, friends / family/ colleagues, websites, organizations, and social media.

When looking for Medical Information: 

Respondents were more likely to consult their healthcare providers (91%), followed by websites and organizations. 

Friends / Family / Colleagues & Word-of-Mouth Referrals:

At least 36% and up to 77% of pre- and post-workshop participants claim to seek and share advice and word-of-mouth referrals from and with friends, family, and colleagues and online satisfaction posts.  Data suggests this age-old process that humans participate in as they gather information about anything – including health choices – is unchanged by intervention. Indications also include the demand for more work in health literacy awareness and education at all levels. 

Most notably...

Post-workshop respondents documented an INCREASE in database usage and a DECREASE in social media usage with looking for health & wellness and medical information online.