Student Technology

Students have access to a variety of technology tools in each grade.  The information below outlines the basic classroom technology available at each level.  In addition to this technology, the library media centers in each building provide a variety of AV and video equipment for student and staff checkout.  This may include digital and video cameras, e-readers, audio devices, etc.


Library Media Centers

Each elementary school has a full set of classroom Chromebooks as well as a Makerspace that provides a new learning environment for students.

Classroom Technology

In grades K - 2, all classrooms have 18 iPads per classroom for station, partner, and small group work.  In grades 3-4, classrooms have a tech tub of 18 Chromebooks.  Most classrooms and specialist offices are equipped with an Newline Interactive Board and document camera.  5th grade is 1:1 with Chromebooks that they use at school and take home as well.

Shared Technology

Carts of classrooms sets of Chromebooks are available at both schools for teachers to check out.  In addition, the LMC has additional iPad and Chromebook sets that can be checked out for classroom use or used in the library.


1:1 Rollout

All Middle School students received a Chromebook for home and school use.  All of the expectations and responsibilities that come with this device are detailed in the WFBMS 1:1 Chromebook Handbook.

Additional Spaces

The middle school has one Windows computer lab with an LCD projector and approximately 30 computers.  The library is a flexible learning space with areas for small group work, presentation, collaboration, and making.  Multiple classes can utilize this space separately or as an entire group.


1:1 Rollout

All High School students received a Chromebook for home and school use.  All of the expectations and responsibilities that come with this device are detailed in the WFB 1:1 Chromebook Handbook.

Computer Labs

The high school has two general purpose Windows computer labs for checkout by any class.  An additional Windows lab is used for computer and business classes.  Project Lead the Way and computer science classes are taught in a lab designed for that purpose with dual monitors and table space with overhead power.   Digital arts, music, and journalism classes are taught in a Mac lab.

Classroom Technology

All classrooms are equipped with an Newline Interactive Board.  The science department has a combination of Windows desktop computers and laptops for use during labs. Windows computers and Chromebooks are available for student use in the study hall room as well. 

Shared Technology

The library media center can accommodate up to two classes with a combination of Windows desktops and Chromebooks as well as televisions for group instruction or presentations.  There is also an additional Newline board on a cart that can be used in the space.