
Databases are full of information that's already been evaluated by experts, so they're a great place to start your research! Once you open the list of databases, it's usually best to pick a database and search them one at a time.

These databases are funded jointly by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and the Massachusetts Library System, so you can access them for free.

You can use WebPath Express to find great sources for students! From the library catalog, you can find WebPath Express on the left side of the page.

You can find directions in the handout on the right.

WebPath Express Handout.pdf

Using Database Features

The handouts below will help you use the helpful features built in to our databases.

Using Gale Databases Handout.pdf
Using Encyclopedia Britannica Handout.pdf

Source Evaluation

Any time you use a source you find on the internet, you should evaluate that source. Think about why you're using it, and then ask WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW.
Use the handout on the right to help you.

Source Evaluation

Need research help?

You can sign up for a library pass or email the library at!

Make sure to cite your sources!

Citations are an important part of the research process. They let people know where you found your information so that they can find out more on their own.

For a roadmap, take a look at this Handout on the Research Process!