Help with eBooks

Accessing Books with Sora

To sign in to Sora, you'll have to select Weymouth High School from the dropdown menu. Then, sign in with your WHS email address.

You can also download Sora from the app store on a tablet or mobile device. After downloading, you will have to sign in with your WHS email address.

You can search the MLS Commonwealth eBook Collection by clicking the Explore tab at the bottom, then using the search bar at the top.

Below are example search results.

Search results include eBooks (above on the left) and audiobooks (on the right, with headphones underneath the book cover). If a book is checked out, you will be given the option to place a hold so that you can be next in line to borrow it. If a book is currently available, you can click "borrow" to check it out (the first time you may have to sign in again).

You can click any book cover to read a description of the book, or read or listen to a sample to try out a book before checking it out.

To view your current checkouts, click shelf.

Your checkouts will automatically be returned on their due dates unless you renew them.

Have a public library card?

You can add OCLN and other Massachusetts library systems on Sora thanks to reciprocal lending agreements.

Start by clicking the menu at the top right corner, next to the bell. You should see something similar to the image on the right.

Then, select the blue "+ Add library" button at the bottom.

On the right you can see some of the libraries you might choose to add (in alphabetical order).

But wait! You're not done.

When you go to check out a book, you'll have to sign in with your library. Select the library system you have a card at (Weymouth Public Libraries are part of the Old Colony Library Network), then sign in with that library card.
You may have to click "borrow" one more time for your checkout to go through.

You can add all of the Massachusetts library systems to your Sora account using any MA public library card.

Don't have a public library card?