High School Programs

Tutorial Program

The West Warwick High School Tutorial Program is an alternative tutorial educational program at the Quinn School, where students work towards meeting West Warwick High School's Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements (PBGRs). The program consists of direct and individualized instruction in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, and elective classes. Students are also provided with opportunities to receive transition services in the areas of education and/or training, employment, and independent living to prepare for life after high school. This includes possible vocational experience and career exploration.

Tutorial Program Teachers

Mr. Farrell- High School Tutorial/Credit Retrieval/English Teacher


Mrs. Disano- High School Math Teacher


Jennifer Pine- High School Science


Lindsay Richards- High School History


Holly Galipeau-  High School Self-Contained Teacher


Mrs. Hefner- Physical Education Teacher


Ms. Lane- Art Teacher


Credit Retrieval Program 

The West Warwick High School Credit Retrieval Program is an alternative independent educational program at the Quinn School. Students receive individualized tutoring support as they work towards meeting West Warwick High School's Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements (PBGRs). The Credit Retrieval program provides students with opportunities to earn or retrieve the credits required for graduation in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, various electives, and Physical Education/Health, as well as CPR certification. Students are also provided with opportunities to receive transition services in the areas of education and/or training, employment, and independent living to prepare for life after high school. This includes possible vocational experience and career exploration.