Stamina and Volume

By stamina, we mean reading for extended periods of time. By volume, we mean reading a lot of books. Research tells us what kind of stamina and volume readers need to make effective growth as readers.

How many books does my child need to read each week to make effective growth as a reader?

The answer to this depends on what level books your child is reading. This visual, provided by Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project, offers a guideline:

How much time per day does my child need to spend reading in order to make effective growth as a reader?

Based on your child's grade level, here is how much time should be spent reading just-right books each day, between home and school, to make effective growth as a reader:

  • Third grade - an HOUR a day
  • Fourth Grade - an HOUR AND FIFTEEN MINUTES a day
  • Fifth Grade - an HOUR AND A HALF a day

This is a powerful visual of why we ask students to read at home. Feel free to show it to your kids if they ask!

The amount of time your child spends reading each day, between home and school, has a cumulative effect on their growth, strength, and enjoyment as readers!