The Feelings Teacher's Corner

Hello! Keep going to find cool strategies and fun summer projects.

Mood Meter Check-in

RED feelings: high in energy and low in pleasantness (e.g., angry, scared, and anxious)

BLUE feelings: low in energy and low in pleasantness (e.g., sad, disappointed, and lonely)

GREEN feelings: low in energy and high in pleasantness (e.g., calm, tranquil, and relaxed)

YELLOW feelings: high in energy and high in pleasantness (e.g., happy, excited, and curious)

The Mood Meter is divided into 4 quadrants – red, blue, green, and yellow – each represents a different set of feelings. Check-in on the Mood Meter in the mornings or at some point during the day. How are you feeling? If you are feeling in the yellow, blue, and red, what can you do to shift back to green (calm and relaxed)?

Make Your Own Mood Meter

Let's get CREATIVE by doing a craft project! Make your own Mood Meter. Take a look below for some ideas on how to make your very own Mood Meter. Some ideas to consider: Will you label emotions/feelings in each quadrant? Will you color or paint the red, yellow, green, and blue quadrants? How will you show where you are on the Meter (for example, a magnet, close pin, post-it, velcro spot, or other)? Where will you put your Meter (for example, on the fridge, in your room... make sure your family agrees)? Get creative, maybe a little messy, and have fun!


Remember to use your strategies to shift back to green ... calm, relaxed, and at ease.

Be Focused

Paying attention is important. It helps you stay calm.

Mental BODY SCAN to feel calm

  1. Notice how your body feels as you sit in your chair. Can you feel the carpet under your feet on the floor? Your back against the chair? Feel the material of your clothes as your hands rest on your legs. With every deep breath in and out, try to relax.

  2. Now start to scan down the body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Use the breathing skills you have learned to relax each area with each breath.

  3. Begin with your head. We tend to carry a lot of stress in our face - loosen the muscles around the cheeks and jaw, before moving down to the neck and throat.

  4. With each breath, let your shoulders relax and sink down. How does your tummy feel? Are your arms heavy? Move your focus from your arms to your fingertips.

  5. Carry the scan down to your legs. How do your legs feel? Keep going. Focus on your ankles ... then your toes.

It should take about 3 or 4 minutes to work through all parts of your body but take as long as you need to fully scan every part. Keep breathing deeply and take a moment to notice how your whole body feels. Take your time, don’t feel you have to hurry. You can practice this as often as you like, but try to work up to 4 minutes every day so you have time to really listen to your body.

Mindful Drawing Pages

Be Your Best Self!

Take a Meta-Moment when you have a "big" feeling.


Something happens and you have a “big feeling.” You may feel mad, upset, worried, or frustrated.

Step 2: SENSE

You realize that your body is hot and/or your muscles are tight. You feel the emotion in your body.

When you feel a “big,” not so good emotion, it's time to use the Meta-Moment.

Step 3: STOP

STOP. Do NOT do anything. Take a few deep breaths.


Imagine your ‘best self.’ What does your best-self look like?

Think about:

· Who you want to be (happy, kind, responsible, respectful)

· How you want others to see you (happy, kind, responsible, respectful)


Choose and then use a strategy—see above—to help.

Positive self-talk: Tell yourself something helpful

· Change it from I’m stuck at home to I’m safe at home

· I’m frustrated but I can ask for help

· I can practice my strategies

Step 6: SUCCEED!

You act in a way that shows your best self.

· What can you think?

· What can you do?

…to be your best self?

…to encourage your family to be their best selves?

Happiness Jar Craft

What will fill your happiness jar this summer? Remember, Think Happy, Be Happy. See below for instructions on how to get started!


  1. Get a really awesome jar to hold all your happy notes.

  2. Decorate your jar.

  3. Each day, add a note. Write down what made you happy or something you're thankful for... no matter how big or small.

  4. Open the jar and read your notes to remember all the good in life. Feel happy!

Examples of Happiness Jars

Have a great summer

Be safe, kind, and responsible


Stay amazing