
How Parents Can Support Reading 

Throughout the Summer

It is important to make reading a priority in our daily lives. Setting a time of day where the whole family stops and reads helps to provide our children with a consistent schedule and routine, while ensuring that reading does not get lost during the summer months.

Attached below, you will find a presentation for parents and guardians that is chock-full of helpful information, research, and tips to support readers at home and during the summer.

K-5 Summer Reading 2020.mp4

Hurlbutt Reading Website

Below is the link our Hurlbutt Reading Website, where parents and guardians can find a multitude of reading resources.

Comprehension Questions

It is important to stop, think, and discuss what you read with others. The attached document will provide you with some sample literal and inferential questions that can be used when reading and talking with your child at home.

Comprehension Questions.docx

Literacy Skills Practice

While we are encouraging taking a break from screen time this summer, we will continue to have access to our students' LEXIA accounts.

Click on CLASSLINK icon.  Log in with your Weston student account to find Lexia.

Summer Reading Bitmoji