education & training Pathway

Scroll down to learn about specific careers, classes at WHS, college credit and professional certifications offered, and related student clubs and organizations!

Careers in the education & training Pathway

Click on a specific career to learn more about high school classes, volunteer opportunities, work experience and training/college programs! 

electives in the education and training Pathway

Education and Training Pathway

Related Courses

Recommended College Level Coursework

Articulation Opportunities

Earn FREE college credit through Front Range Community College for a class that you are taking at high school! These classes are perfect for students interested in completing a certificate or degree at FRCC as the credit is only valid at FRCC.  

Early Childhood Education: ECE 101, Intro to Early Childhood Education (3 credits)

Certification Opportunities

Have an advantage when applying for jobs or college! These classes provide students an opportunity to earn Professional Certifications which greatly improve the chances you will be hired and earn more money.

Student Organizations

Student organizations provide training and realistic learning experiences to prepare students for employment in careers, develop leadership skills, and more.