Featuring some of Our Amazing Troops doing Amazing things....

Our Young Entrepreneurs , Daisy Troop 1278 kicked off this years  cookie season in full force, selling over 600 boxes of cookies on opening weekend!  These girls Rocked it and they have plans to keep the momentum going..... Check out their Menu for Success.

Congratulations Troop 1278 :-)

Empowering our girls: Our Cookie Rally at LT was a huge success! The older girls demonstrated remarkable leadership skills by jumping in to help the younger ones with booth running, cookie taste testing, and more. It was an inspiring sight!

Community Bonfire and Day Program

Girl Scouts Troop 2876 started year 2024 EMPOWERED!!! Listening to them talk about what Girl Power looks and feels like was truly inspiring! Especially as they helped each other clarify and explain their own personal experiences with Girl Power so far and how they see themselves in the future!

Girl Scout Troop 2448's tradition of exchanging holiday cards with our adopted Veterans continues...

Our own Judy Jones is one of those tuba players. I love that my Girl Scouts big and small open my eyes to so many new things!


Our beautiful tradition continues…. Wreaths Across America

Thank you to everyone who came out to help yesterday, it was great to see you all and your participation was greatly appreciated by the American Legion Post who host this event each year! 

Thank you all that came out to Northern Westchester Restorative Therapy and nursing center. The residents were overjoyed with seeing the scouts and parents singing the holiday songs. 

Holiday Celebrations!!!

I received this in the mail. I cried reading it - it is a beautiful reminder of why I choose to be part of this incredible GS community.

I received this in the mail from a person I've never met, Mr. Merkle, a veteran who lives not far from me, on Locust, and who received a gift bag from our troop, delivered by Angela from our Troop 2426 on Veteran's Day through West Lakeland Girl Scouts' Way To Repay annual event. I become completely teary reading this lovely, appreciative note. This is the beautiful payback we get for our community service and for giving our time & care to others. Hearing how this small gift was truly appreciated has touched my heart forever.

Girls & leaders, our lives may be different and busy and separate, but our hearts come together for these things that truly matter.

Also, I want to honor Maureen Delia Connolly and Kelly Mcloughlin Sorrentino in this post. Kelly & Maureen, thank you so much for continuously working so hard to create so, so many incredible, meaningful, and fun opportunities & traditions for Girl Scouts, leaders, adults, and families. You both have made a real, positive impact on the lives of probably thousands of girls and adults with all of your work. And Maureen, you have been the most inspiring & motivational person in my life since I met you in 2012. Thank you.

West Lakeland Girl Scouts Rock!