Español grado

October  30 -  December 14

Unit 3 on Present Tense

During unit 3, students will be introduced to conjugation in present tense.  In this unit students will learn to ask and respond to questions to talk about everyday activities about self and others.  In class students will practice using vocabulary for pronouns, and action verbs, as well as predictable question formation to enable them to exchange basic information about their daily life using Spanish.  Throughout this unit students will have many opportunities to work with partners and in small groups to practice present tense

Important dates


In class students will work on

Unit 3 visual resources

September 25 -  October 23

Unit 2 on Expressing wants

Hello Explorers!

In this unit students will learn to express what they want to during different times of the day.  In addition students will learn vocabulary for weather to be able to express things they want to do during different weather conditions.  We will culminate this unit by reading a short story in the target language to practice and reinforce concepts learned.  .   

Important dates


In class students will work on

Home resources 

The following Spanish resources will be in Google Classroom

Unit 2 visual resources

August 21- September 15

Unit 1 on Unit 1 on Expressing likes & dislikes

Hello Explorers!

In this first unit students will learn to use 30 vocabulary words for action verbs known as infinitive verbs. Students will use vocabulary for infinitives to share things they like and dislike doing.  They will also learn to use simple question formation to ask and respond to do you like questions.  We will culminate this unit by practicing using the word for "the" in Spanish in singular and plural form to express things we like.    

Important dates


In class students will work on

Home resources 

The following Spanish resources will be in Google Classroom

Unit 1 visual resources

 August 9, 2022

Welcome back to Spanish Explorers!   

During the next two weeks, we will go over routines and expectations for the Spanish classroom.  Students will get an opportunity to reflect on their Spanish language learning journey and set a couple of goals.   In class students will practice greeting each other and making new class friends.

I am excited to have you in class.