Español   grado 8

Nov. 1st -  Dec. 15

Unit 3 on Furniture and Chores 

In this unit, students will learn vocabulary to identify furniture around the house.  Students will also learn vocabulary for prepositions to ask and respond where things are located around the house.  This unit will culminate by being able to express chores we have to do.

Important dates


In class students will work on

Unit 2 Visual resources

 Homerooms, the verb "estar", and "ing"

October 9 - October 30

Unit 2 on Homerooms and using "ing" 

In this unit, students will learn vocabulary to identify homerooms in the house as well as be able to say where family members are at using complete sentences. In addition students will be introduced to the concept of using "ing" in Spanish to be able to express what they are doing in the house and where they are at.   

Important dates


In class students will work on

Unit 2 Visual resources

 Homerooms, the verb "estar", and "ing"

September 11 - September 29

Unit on Family & Possessive Adjectives 

In this unit, students will learn vocabulary for family members to be able to introduce family members to to others.  In addition students will be practicing using possessive adjectives in context to be able to express ownership of things such as my book, his book, their dog, our class and so on.  A big highlight of this unit will be that students will be exploring the lyrics of a popular song in Spanish to listen for possessive adjectives and to complete a fun dance challenge in small groups.    

Important dates


In class students will work on

Unit on Family and Possessive adjectives visual resources

August 21- September 1st

Spiral Review 

Hello Explorers!

For the next two weeks, we will have a short spiral review in class to provide students opportunities to use Spanish vocabulary and Spanish concepts they have learned. The spiral review includes the following topics

Important dates


In class students will work on

Welcome back to Spanish Explorers!   

During the next two weeks, we will go over routines and expectations for the Spanish classroom.  Students will get an opportunity to reflect on their Spanish language learning journey and set a couple of goals.   In class students will practice greeting each other and making new class friends.

I am excited to have you in class.