Shire of Wolfscairn
We are the Shire of Wolfscairn in the Society for Creative Anachronism:
creatively recreating history from the medieval period and before, across the globe. Join us!
Welcome to the Shire of Wolfscairn! We are a local group in a much larger organization called the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). We enjoy recreating history, often medieval Europe comes to mind, but anywhere and everywhere before 1600 CE is covered. This takes the form of wearing period clothing, sword fighting, making crafts, eating fantastic feasts, and more! We'd love to have you join us.
Our presence covers West Marin and Sonoma Counties. Many of our activities are centered around the City of Santa Rosa. We welcome participants from all over to join us in our activities. Visit our Events & Activities page to see what's local to you. Visit our Officers page to find the right person for the information you need.
Want to battle knights with swords and shields, fight a rapier duel, learn to work leather, or paint scrolls with calligraphy? We would love to have you!
Want to check out the fun? Come join us!
Contact our Seneschal Sir Richard of Greyefalle to confirm dates and times. We would hate for you to come out and have us not be there for rain or a different event taking over elsewhere.
We meet for Fighter Practice and Gathering most Sundays at Coffey Park in Santa Rosa 10:30am to 1:00pm. This is a practice for Armored (Heavy) Combat, Rapier Fighting, working on our Arts and Sciences projects, and to just hang out.
You don't need to have any costuming or gear to start with. We are happy to have you as you are and probably have something you can borrow or keep for yourself to wear. We have loaner gear for fighter safety, just be prepared to sign the waiver!
There are so many new things to try, we don't expect you to be equipped for all of it. Thankfully, we have lots of great people that would love to share this curious hobby with you.
You can also find us on Facebook at our Shire of Wolfscairn Group or our Fighter Practice; Arts & Sciences Gathering Group.
Shire of Wolfscairn Territory & Neighbors
The Shire of Wolfscairn encompasses West Marin County and Sonoma County in beautiful Northern California. Our fair cities include, but are not limited to:
Annapolis - Bodega - Boyes Hot Springs - Camp Meeker -
Cazadero - Cloverdale - Cotati - Dillon Beach - Duncan Mills - Eldridge - El Verano - Forestville - Fulton - Geyserville - Glen Ellen - Graton - Guerneville -
Healdsburg - Jenner - Kenwood - Larkfield-Wikiup - Marshall - Monte Rio - Occidental - Penngrove - Petaluma - Rio Nido - Rohnert Park - Santa Rosa - Sea Ranch - Sebastopol - Sonoma - Stewarts Point - Tomales - Valley Ford - Villa Grande - Vineburg - Windsor
Map Key for Shire Colors:
The map shows our neighboring shires' territory. Shires are divided by zip codes, thus all of the different markers. You can find what shire you officially belong to for the purpose of bureaucracy, but you are free to visit and participate in which ever Shire fits you best.
Our neighbor to the north is the Shire of Ravenshore, covering much of Mendocino and beyond.
To our east is the Shire of Vinhold. They hold Napa and surrounding areas.
To our south is the Shire of Caldarium. They cover most of Marin.
Check their individual sites or our Events & Activities page for their Practices.