Special Events

Prince Consot's Meet & Greet

The Prince Consort will hold a meet and greet for the youth and newcomers in the Mists Royal Pavilion from the second round until roses open.

Non-alcoholic refreshments will be provided.

Please bring your newcomers to meet the Prince!

Mists Rapier Championship

To all Rapier Fighters of this, our fair Mists Lands, do I, Maestro Xavier Miguel Castillo de Guzman, address you! The time for the Mists Rapier championship is nearly upon us, and the format has been found. The tournament shall be double elimination (fought best 2/3, time permitting). There shall also be set forms in each round. The tournament shall start single sword, and should a fighter remain clean, they shall continue with single sword through the tournament. A fighter who has had a loss shall be allowed to use an offhand device in accordance with the round as following (and the forms shall loop):

  • Single sword (round 1)

  • Cloak (round 2)

  • Baton (round 3)

  • Buckler (round 4)

  • Dagger (round 5)

In addition, Their Highnesses have asked that we follow the Coronet’s Call! only one entry on the card need be completed and the lists will confirm at sign up. We expect many won’t have their cards so it will be honor based. I look forward to seeing you all out on the field (hopefully to outnumber the armored fighters once again).

Yours in service,

Maestro Xavier Miguel Castillo de Guzman

Mists Archery Championship

The Mists Archery Championship competition will be held right after morning court.

Please come out and compete for the honor and glory of the Mists. You will be required to show your skill in shooting for distance, speed, and change of aim point.

Be sure to bring your own archery gear.

Traders, Raiders & Pirates Party

Once Their heirs are chosen, Their Highnesses would wish to celebrate with a party hosted by the Prince Consort (in Shelter A). There will be a full bar with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options.

In keeping with the theme of Their reign, it will be a Pirate Party! While it is not required to be dressed in line with the theme, Their Highnesses invite you to see this as an opportunity to bring some fun and whimsy to our wonderful Principality.

Theme Information

For Their reign, Their Highnesses have been highlighting the cultures that actively created cultural exchange through the use of the seas or trade routes, and...well might have been called Traders, Raiders, or (dun dun dun) Pirates.

At any given time one of these groups was yelling "pirate" at the other, as conflicts arose or cultures clashed about cargo and goods. The Mediterranean has a rich history of trade and raid cultures that reached from the far edges of Europe to the heart of Asia. They wish to encourage the educated whimsy that our society holds so dear, and honor the cultures that often inspire our play.

They are inspired by characters from history such as Sayyida al Hurra and Oruç Reis, known as Barbarossa of Algiers, and others throughout the SCA period of study who may not have been Western European, or held to traditional roles of power and influence. They are not representing the Golden Age of Piracy as it is outside of the SCA time period. However, there are rich and bold historical figures within the SCA period, who set the standard for those later historical players.