The Coronet's Call

To the populace, We encourage you to join in and complete one, some, or all of these of the service, bardic, arts, or SCIENCE(!!) tasks. For each task completed We (Helga and Hans, Princess and Prince of the Mists) will be giving a reign coin to the individual.

  • 1 Hour Service

  • 1 Hour Gate Shift

  • 1 Bardic Piece Performance (official or non)

  • 1 Arts and Science Entry or Class Teaching (official or non)

Please note that these acts of service, bardic, arts, or SCIENCE(!!) can be done anywhere within the SCA there is no restriction to principality or kingdom. Further, those outside of the Mists populace can join in the challenge and receive reward.

How will We track completion?

We have created cards to be signed by someone witnessing you completing a task/act. There will be stacks of cards with the Mists Royals to hand out. If you are unable to get a card in person, there is a PDF of the card that can be sent to you.

We are a society based in honor and We trust the populace, so anyone may sign off a witnessed task. If you happen to lose your card, the Royals will be carrying new ones with them and are happy to re-mark completed tasks.

Our Principality and Society thrive from the joy and participation of its people. We welcome you to share your joy and your game with us all.

In Service,

Helga, Princess

Hans, Prince Consort

Art Done by Owen Owenson