Arts & Sciences

Artisan Display

The Mists Artisans Display will take place in the Arts & Sciences shade (Shelter B). The display will be available for viewing for one hour beginning after the wreathes have been given to the victors in finals.

A&S Classes

Classes will be held at the Arts & Sciences shade (Shelter B).

Class 1 will start 30 minutes after Invocation, with a 10-minute break between each class.

Class 1: The Wonderful Chutney

by Irina Antonava zhena Barsuka


Does the pepper change the flavor?

Let's make some Afghan/Indian chutneys and taste test them!

Class 2: Belt Making for Beginners

by Krzysztof Bliznik

This class will cover stamping and illumination of belts.

Learn how easy it is to make your own stylish belt! Leather belts and tools to add decoration will be supplied!

Class size list limited.

If you have a mallet please bring it so you won’t have to share.

Class 3: Plaque Painting

by Rew Payne

Did you want to learn how to transfer your device/arms or badge to a plague and paint it?

Here’s how, no drawing skills needed!

Bring a slightly smaller than 3" x 5" print out of your arms/device or design.

All other materials will be provided.

Donations appreciated, but not expected.

Silver Muse Competition

“Arts and Science through the Ages”

Find your inner Muse, Early or Late! This year’s Mists A&S Silver Muse Competitions are moving through time, and expertise.

Each Mists event will have two competitions: One early period, one later period. This will allow Artisans to grow a body of work that shows progression through both historical time, and their expertise growing over the years.

Time Periods

    • Early Period: 10th Century

    • Late Period: 15th Century

Teach us how to cure a headache? Or how to lull a child to sleep with a lullaby? Make a painting or a hat or gloves? Show a tool they might have used to garden?

Competition Guidelines

    • Entries may be dropped off at the Arts & Sciences shade (Shelter B) starting at the end of Invocation.

    • Judging will take place during the break before the finals.

Dirty Dozen Donation Derby

Viscountess Margaret Grym will be hosting a Dirty Dozen Donation Derby on behalf of Their Highnesses.

  • Entries may be dropped off at the Arts & Sciences shade (Shelter B) starting at the end of Invocation.

  • Voting will start at the end of the first round.

  • Voting will end at the beginning of finals.

Entry Guidelines

All entrants must create 12 items based on a theme that are suitable for largess:

    • 12 needle books

    • 12 hats - from different or the same period(s)

    • 12 items suitable for a specific time period

    • 12 children’s toys

    • Note: 12 socks would not be suitable as that is only 6 pairs

All entries must be tagged and ready to be gifted the day of the competition; the tag should have:

    • Item Name

    • Maker Name

    • Maker Branch/Location

    • Item Content Material (if not readily apparent)

Items need not be documented; this is not an Arts and Sciences competition.

Items should not have Royal or personal heraldry (The Mists Populace Badge is fine).


Judging is done by the populace. Each entrant display will have a cup placed next to it and anyone may put a provided token into the accompanying cup to denote their choice.

The entrant with the most tokens in their cup at the end of the day will receive one item from each entry, announced in court. The remaining 11 items from each entry will be given to Their Excellencies of the Mists at the end of the day.