The Quill - May 2021

Kitta Refr - 15th Century French outfit 

The Quill – May 2021
Official newsletter for the Barony of Rivenoak
Chronicler: Muiren ingen Brain

Barony News

From the Chronicler:  I am pleased to announce that their Excellencies, Finna and Lodinn, will continue as our Baron and Baroness.  Long live the Baron and Baroness of Rivenoak, The Prince and Princess of Cynagua, and the King and Queen of the West!

From the Muse of Rivenoak: What are you most passionate about in the SCA?  Tell us about it by making a submission to the Rivenoak’s The Quill! While you’re winning by raising awareness of your favorite part of the SCA, there will also be prizes! There will be a prize for the most inspirational entry (super subjective) is a woven pouch with a metal charm from Baroness Finna. There will also be a woven pouch with finger loop lace for the most informative. Both will be judged by Muse of Rivenoak, Rudaba al-Nahdyia.

Entries must include
-SCA name
-Display (text, images, web link to audio/video, or any other method)
-Email (will not be published, but will be used to contact if there are questions or if you win)
-Optional web link to documentation will increase your chances of winning “Most Informative” prize.     

Please ensure that any web links submitted must be publicly viewable.  If it be seen, it can’t win. 


Travels around the Known World
In recent months I have kept closer to home. Rivenoak itself has amazing artisans, including our Adept Champion of Arts and Sciences, Lady Kitta Refr. She recently made a late 15th century French outfit for the Ethereal Seamstress competition held by The Barony Beyond the Mountain in the East. She represented Rivenoak well, and won first place for her division in the contest! The project included a supportive kirtle, an outer cotehardie, a lyrepipe hood, hose, and inklewoven garters.